Despite federal regulations and various laws preventing it, discriminatory treatment remains a problem in many workplaces. Race discrimination is an unfortunate occurrence, and victims are often reluctant to speak up about the treatment they experienced out of fear of retaliation and other consequences. If you are a victim of workplace discrimination, you may find it beneficial to learn about your rights and the legal options available to you.
As a victim of race-based discrimination, you may be able to pursue a legal claim against your California employer or others who acted against you, allowed the discrimination to take place or contributed in any way. It is in your interests to act immediately — not only to make the unacceptable treatment stop, but also to ensure that liable parties are accountable for what happened to you.
How can you know if you are a victim?
There is a difference between treatment that is annoying and inappropriate and treatment that is discriminatory in nature. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, race discrimination involves the unfavorable treatment of an individual on the basis of his or her skin color, hair texture, national origin or other perceived indicators of race. In the workplace, race discrimination can come from a co-worker, employer, manager or a third party. The law prohibits discrimination of any kind in the workplace.
Race discrimination in the workplace can take many forms. It can happen when an employer passes over a deserving individual for a promotion, denies someone of opportunities or makes other types of employment decisions on the basis of race. You may find that it also comes in the form of harassment, which can include racial slurs, derogatory remarks, offensive language and more. On occasion, it may include blatant threats against a person.
What should you do next?
As a victim, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You have the right to speak out against race discrimination at work and take steps to halt further illegal treatment. It may be appropriate to seek compensation for your emotional duress and other damages in the form of a civil claim against your employer. If you are unsure of your options or whether you have a valid case, you may benefit from an explanation of your employee rights and the laws that protect you against race discrimination.