In your company, you probably have procedures in place for dealing with emergencies, such as if there is a fire in the building, severe weather or a power outage. You may even have trainings, drills or meetings to prepare for such events. This way, if something...
It's Time To Level The Playing Field

Year: 2021
Older workers continue to face discrimination
Employers may blame the recent global health crisis, the sluggish economy or numerous other factors. However, if you have lost your job and have spent the better part of the past year looking for work, you may start to suspect there is another factor at work,...
A class action lawsuit is strength in numbers
If you and your coworkers find your lunchroom conversation or after-work get-togethers monopolized by the same complaints about your employer, you are not alone. Even in the best of work situations, you will have colleagues who can find something to gripe about. Some...
Unnecessary barriers for deaf and hard of hearing workers
Many workplaces in California rely on auditory communications, and this can be a challenge for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. While you might receive plenty of emails, text messages and written memos, there could also be important information you miss through...
7 laws that protect your rights as a worker
Your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents probably fought and struggled to obtain basic rights on the job. This was a reaction to the intolerable working conditions they suffered, including long hours, low pay, and few considerations for their health and...
How do I know if my boss is retaliating?
If you recently spoke up against something you knew was not right in your California workplace, chances are it was a difficult decision. You probably understood you were taking a risk and that some people in your workplace would not be happy if you blew the whistle....
Negotiating your executive compensation
Since your skills, experience and past success have made you attractive to other companies, you may be considering an opportunity to move to a CEO or C-level position in another company. If negotiations are still in the early stages, you have much to consider when it...
Should my employer provide me with a lunch break?
When you were in school, you likely anticipated your lunch period. In addition to being hungry, you may have looked forward to taking a break from your studies and spending some down time with your friends. As an adult on the job, things have not changed much. Your...
Depression and your rights in the workplace
Perhaps the most misunderstood and unfairly judged disabilities are those others cannot see, particularly those that fall under the heading of mental impairment. Nevertheless, these conditions can be as painful and frustrating as physical disabilities, and they can...
Your right to reasonable accommodations at work
If you are like many with a disabling medical condition, the term “disability” can be frustrating to hear. Unlike past generations, advances in medicine, therapies and methods of accessibility make it possible for those with physical and mental challenges to fully...