When employees go to work, they have the right to do their jobs in an environment that is free from inappropriate behaviors and different types of mistreatment. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that work environments are safe for all employees, which means they should strive to eliminate the possibility of sexual harassment on company property. There are certain steps employers can take that will allow them to protect the rights and interests of those who work for them.
The prevention of sexual harassment is an important goal for all employers. This is not only the right thing to do, but it is also a legal obligation. In addition to taking the right steps to ensure that this will not happen, it is also important for employees to know what they can do to protect themselves in the event that it does occur. Sexual harassment happens more than many realize, and it is critical to take this matter seriously.
The prevention of harassment and mistreatment
Sexual harassment can come in all forms, and it is not always easy to determine if what you experience is actually harassment or simply annoying behavior. In general, it is likely that you experienced sexual harassment if you dealt with unwanted sexual advances, unwanted sexual contact, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate physical or verbal contact and more. While it is impossible to control the behavior of every employee, the following are important steps that employers can take to prevent sexual harassment:
- Train employees to recognize signs of sexual harassment, and provide training about how to stop it, support victims and what to do if they see it happening.
- Make it easy and discreet for employees to file a complaint if they are victims of sexual harassment. The process should be simple and private.
- Have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, and follow through with the correct steps if someone commits sexual harassment toward another employee.
If you are the victim of sexual harassment in your workplace, you do not have to remain silent. You may find it helpful to seek guidance regarding the legal options available to you, which may include filing a claim against your employer, the perpetrator and other responsible parties. While this can be a difficult and complex process, having experienced guidance at every step may prove beneficial as you seek justice and compensation.